540i engine and transmission mounts after less than 90 000miles...
V8: 530 - 540i: The easiest way when
you work on the V8 is to have a lot of extentions and a u-joint.
For the right mount, you have place the windshield washer
reservoir on the side and remove the air box. Then with at
least 3 extentions and a u-joint you will be able to lossen
the top 17mm bolt.
For the left side, you have to move the brake fluid reservoir
on the side then guide the extensions, u-joint and 17mm socket
to the bolt. It is a tight area, but I have done it. I have
lifted both side at the same time.
Worse case, You can remove the alternator to
get access to the engine mounts and try lifting the engine
on one side at the time. This way the engine is not so much
lifted but more like twisted and will balance to either the
left or right of the car; it will come of the mount and thatīs
all you need. Lift the engine on the left, replace the mount
on the left, lower the engine, lift the engine on the right,
replace the mount on the right...